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Irpinia, Campania, Italy

Feudi di San Gregorio

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Feudi San Gregorio Aglianico vineyards

Feudi di San Gregorio Aglianico vineyards

Past Releases

Inaugural Release
March 9, 2021

Feudi di San Gregorio Aglianico vineyards

I want the person who drinks my wine to want to drink a second glass. That is my philosophy.

Antonio Capaldo, Proprietor

Feudi di San Gregorio is one of the leaders in the modern-day Renaissance of Campanian oenology. From top to bottom, this is [...] one of the benchmark wineries in Campania, and all of Italy, for that matter.

Antonio Galloni, Vinous Media

About Feudi di San Gregorio

Feudi di San Gregorio today epitomizes the oenological renaissance of southern Italy, promoting a wine culture for the rediscovery of Mediterranean flavors. Founded in 1986 by two Irpinian families, Feudi di San Gregorio has its roots in the town of Sorbo Serpico in the province of Avellino. For thirty years the Feudi di San Gregorio winery has been a fervent promoter of the indigenous grape varieties Greco, Fiano and Aglianico from the Campania regional tradition. One of its core ideals is to express the diverse and individual terroirs of each of their vineyards. Today, Feudi works 300 hectares of vineyards on over 800 plots which differ in altitude, exposure and slope. The winery individually plans each plot to sustain local biodiversity while enhancing the quality of its extraordinary crus. These successes and drive have made Feudi di San Gregorio the one of the most well-known and highly-regarded wineries in Southern Italy.

 The winery’s passion is rooted in its history and respect for the area of Irpinia in Campania. Irpinia, a historical region of the Campanian Apennines, is a unique vine growing and wine producing territory, where vineyards have always coexisted with fruit trees, woodland, olive trees and herbs. This area’s location between the mountains and Mediterranean coast experiences a unique microclimate of consistent winds and  good rainfall that sets it apart from the other Campania areas: vegetation is varied and thick; the short winters are extremely cold and snowy; and the summers are mild and long – all perfect conditions for incredible vine-growing.

Feudi di San Gregorio is known around the world for producing several different categories of wine. Their Excellencies wines exemplify the power and elegance of the Aglianico grape, with bottlings from the famed Taurasi DOCG and one of the most collected wines in Southern Italy – Serpico. Selections is the category of 100% varietal wines that represent the potential for indigenous grapes from classic areas, including Greco di Tufo and Fiano di Avellino. The Classics mark the widest range of wines Feudi produces, including the famed Lacryma Christi from Mount Vesuvius.

One of the cornerstones of Feudi di San Gregorio’s vision is the belief that a bottle of wine and a work of art share the same creative process. The love and passion infused in the cultivation of the vines, the effort in the picking of the grapes and the patient waiting for the wine to age, endow each of its bottles with its own personality, transforming it into an authentic artwork. These are the same sentiments and emotions guiding artists in their creative process in making a sculpture, a photograph, a painting or an installation. In the light of this approach, Feudi di San Gregorio establishes collaborations with emerging artists in an effort to cultivate a fruitful and ongoing exchange of knowledge and creativity between the world of art and that of wine.

Today, winery chairman Antonio Capaldo (a member of one of the founding families), has put the soul and focus of Feudi back into agriculture, making the winery a leading player in not just Southern Italy, but the global wine scene. His passion for the history of the area drives his vision for the winery’s future, saying “The past teaches us the future. Not just Irpinia’s past, the past as an absolute value, laden with wisdom, embracing the slow, leaving time for emotions in this land of extraordinary agricultural tradition.”

As a member of the mailing list for Feudi di San Gregorio, you will not only have exclusive access to new releases of the distinctive wines of the winery, but also introduction to the winery’s progressive projects including DUBL, a traditional method sparkling wine project made from the indigenous grapes of Campania, and various other estate bottlings from Bolgheri, Puglia, Friuli, and Vulture in Basilicata.

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Region:  Campania, Italy

Year Founded:  1986

Name Of Proprietor:  Antonio Capaldo

Name Of Winemaker:  Pierpaolo Sirch

Offer Schedule:  Varies

Cultivated Area:  300+ hectares (740+ acres)

Topography:  Rolling hills surrounded by woodlands and mountains

Soil Type:  Volcanic lava and ash

Annual Production:  ~300,000 cases

Varieties Cultivated:  Aglianico, Merlot, Sirica, Primitivo, Piedirosso, Greco di Tufo, Fiano di Avellino, Falanghina, Biancolella


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